Assalamu 'Alaikum Warahmatullahi WabarakatuhAll Praise belong to Allah the most highest who has created as the chosen religion among other existing religions, and made it as the safer religion from the here after misery.
And also to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brings us from the darkness to the lightness.
How are u doing my lovely readers?fine? I hope so. *_* This posting is about Definition of TESOL, ELT, TEFL, ESL, EFL or in Indonesian it is "PengertianTESOL, ELT, TEFL, ESL, EFL"
So, I'd like to share something about TESOL, ELT, TEFL, ESL, EFL. You may need the definition below as your reference or just additional information:

2. ELT (which is pronounced as three separate letters) is the abbreviation for English Language Teaching
3. TEFL (which, like TESOL, is pronounced as a word. The vowel sounds like the vowel in 'tell') is an abbreviation of Teaching English as a Foreign Language
4. ESL (said as three separate letters) stands for English as a Second Language
5. EFL (said as three separate letters) stands for English as a Foreign Language
Additional Information:
1. The Term TESOL is associated more closely with the United States, while ELT is more common in the United Kingdom.
2. EFL is nice to have, and ESL is need to have
3. In ELT/TESOL, English is usually the medium of instruction in class, that is, English is taught through English, with little or no use of a learner’s first language.
4. ELT/TESOL can offer a varied and interesting career for people who like working with others, who like the idea of working in different countries and who are interested in language and languages.
I hope this material can helps some of your duty,,, for another we will compose again in another day.
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